Kamis, 04 Februari 2016

Summary PT. LG Innotek

There are 4 main part in PT. LG Innotek
1. SCM
2. Production
3. Quality
4. Research and Development,and Support
  • SCM flow; The first process from Purchase Order ---> SCM ---> Marketing (collecting data or purchase order from customer) ---> Planning ---> Purchasing ---> Warehouse
  • SCM divided into 3 segmen: SCM Team (marketing, planning), PURCHASING, LOGISTIC Team (export-import, warehouse)
  • Total of active model 120, total of active customer 19
  • Relation between transportation and production in demand process and delivery of products regulated transportation, basic use by vessel because cheap
  • The point of SCM: the effectiveness of time, short distribution chain, and low budget 
  • Six sigma is a tool or a special analysis to produce saving cost very large
  • Implementation of KAIZEN; PT. LG Innotek have a special team with the name improvement team/innovation team. Innovation team control several improvement projects such as 1P 1P (1 Person 1 Project)
  • control of cleanliness, tidiness, timely
    example when in the hall LG. innotek have to take off shoes, because LG. innotek very attention to cleanliness. Another example in the production room area should be clean because electronics companies, especially small components (chips) there should be no dust, if there is going to affect the quality. and LG. innotek every six months to conduct an evaluation + reward


D-3 MLM 2014
NIM: 223414054