Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Summary PT. Semen Indonesia GENERAL DISCUSSION

Nama : M. Zulfikar F
Nim : 223414054
Pembicara :  Gatot kustyadji 
           1.  Process bussiness
            PT. Semen indonesia (persero) Tbk is strategic holding company from PT semen Padang, PT  semen         Gresik, PT semen Tonasa and thang long cement joint company
               2.  Distribution Distribution is an activity to move products from the supplier to the consumer in a supply  chain
-Proper distribution network will be used for various purposes of the supply chain.
         3.   Logistics is the planning and implementation of the flow of material , work in process      product , as well as finished products , which are carried out effectively and efficiently.
        4.   planning and processing of all activities related to sourcing and procurement processes . the process of production and logistics processes , including the activity of coordination and collaboration with relevant stakeholders , such as suppliers , intermediaries / third party agencies as service providers and consumers .
                Distibusi vs logistik vs supply chain management
                Raw material            Supplier           producer         consumers
1.       Under take capacity growth
2.       Manage key risks
3.       Manage energy security
4.       Enable corporate growht
5.       Move closer
            6.   Enchane company imag

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